- self-oriented: those who expect perfection of themselves
- other-oriented: those who demand perfection from others
- socially-prescribed: those who think others expect perfection of themselves
Perfectionists live with an “internal bully” who is horrified by mistakes and is constantly threatening failure. This harsh internal voice often causes the perfectionist high anxiety, frequent frustration, guilt, and even panic. The person is often seen as a high achiever by others, but also as a person who is uncomfortable to be around because they seem so perfect.
If the perfectionist demands perfection from others, he or she is very difficult to work for or to have as a parent or spouse.
Martin Anthony's TEDx talk |
High achievers set high standards for themselves and work energetically to achieve them, but their whole sense of self-worth is not dragged down if they don’t meet those standards perfectly.
If you suspect that you may be a perfectionist, ask yourself the following questions designed by Dr. Gordon Flett:
- you can't stop thinking about a mistake you made
- you are intensely competitive and can't stand doing worse than others
- you either want to do something "just right" or not at all
- you demand perfection from other people
- you won't ask for help if asking can be perceived as a flaw or weakness
- you will persist at a task long after other people have quit
- you are a fault-finder who must correct other people when they are wrong
- you are highly aware of other people's demands and expectations
- you are very self-conscious about making mistakes in front of other people
- you noticed the error in the title of this list
If you do think you may be a perfectionist, ask yourself what it may be costing you. People who are perfectionistic often have high anxiety, procrastinate frequently, don’t delegate as they should, spend more time planning than doing, avoid something if they fear they cannot do it perfectly, and may have difficulties in relating to peers, direct reports, and spouses.
If the price is too high, you can work towards changing the thoughts and behaviours which cost you too much time and energy. Start by watching Dr. Antony Martin’s TEDx talk, then read his book When Perfect Isn't Good Enough. Also, you will probably find Dr. David Burns, MD, book Feeling Good - very helpful.